Stop over analyzing- reach your goals and live your life despite depression

XOF 2000

If you have a social media account, you could not have missed all the fuss about motivation, self-love, positivity, mindfulness, etc. Being positive has become a new form of obligation. So much that it is hard not to feel guilty for having “bad emotions”, for not “investing in yourself”, or for “being your own hero”. Many of us try actively to push aside these feelings, which push us in a loop of self-depreciation, self-doubts, false positivity and guilt, preventing us from reaching even our tiniest goals. So, what will you find in this book? DOING. FINDING INNER PEACE. Those are the keywords. In this book, you will find all the reasons why you are not doing. You will also receive detailed action steps to free yourself from guilt, over-analysis and self-doubts and find happiness against all odds. If after or while using the techniques in this book you have a relapse and become depressed again, lack energy, or are buried in doubt, do not worry. Take it slow and start over at your own pace. This book is not meant to put pressure on you, but to help you feel better.

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